Student Seeking Stress Relief Inadvertently Supports Puppy Mills
Avery Kilbourne, a junior biomedical engineering major, inadvertently supported puppy mills this week when she visited Puppy Station at the Post Oak Mall. “Finals season gets so stressful, so I figured I would take a study break to pet some cute dogs,” said Kilbourne. Unbeknownst to her, the puppies on display were purchased from a commercial dog-breeding facility with no regard for animal welfare.
Kilbourne, a self-proclaimed animal lover, picked out a beagle puppy named Pepper. At six weeks old, he was prematurely taken from his mother in order to be confined to a 2 by 2 feet area with three other dogs. The store was crowded with other students taking pictures and holding puppies, many of whom will be sent to kill shelters after they grow past a certain size.
After Kilbourne grew bored with Puppy Station, she returned Pepper to his crate devoid of food and bedding and headed back to campus to study. A few days after her visit, Pepper was thankfully adopted by another Texas A&M student, sophomore Jessica Kopke. Pepper will spend the next few years kennelled for nine hours a day in Kopke’s empty apartment while she is busy as a full time student on campus.
—Magnum OPAS

In the shade behind the stage at Rudder Auditorium, there is a box that holds exactly 28 Magnum Condoms, provided by none other than Magnum OPAS. A firm believer in “wrapping it before tapping it” Magnum OPAS offers condoms to the condomless, an advocate for safe sex and theatre alike.