Local Professor ‘Not an Artist’
Early Wednesday morning, students in the Texas A&M Department of Biology were shocked to learn that their professor was not, in fact, an artist.
Doctor Albrand, PhD, began the lecture with a general overview of chapter four of “Exploring Human Biology”. The incident occurred shortly after when Dr. Albrand reportedly drew a cross-section of a human blood cell on the blackboard. After drawing an uneven circle, Albrand turned to the class and stated, “Now, I’m not an artist, so bear with me while I draw this.”
“I was confused to say the least,” said junior biomedical sciences major Anna Weaver. “Surely, in all of his time at school, he would’ve taken a few art classes? Isn’t that how that works?”
Other students expressed similar sentiments. “He mentioned in the first five minutes how many years he spent in grad school to get to where he is now,” said senior Carson Lou. “He might as well have stopped by art school on the way if he really wanted to be a good prof.”
Albrand refused to comment, insisting that any questions should be asked during office hours, Monday, Thursday and Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

In the basement of the MSC, there is a broom closet that holds a secret society that is lesser known to the student body: the Texas A&M Ukulele Society. t.u.kulele is the founding member, consistently playing “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and “Nevershoutnever,” while avoiding all academic responsibility.