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Student Claims Moral Victory After Failing Class

By Left on Redass , in Local News , at September 12, 2018 Tags: , , , ,

After failing General Chemistry  II (CHEM 102) this summer, Sophomore Biology major Zane Caldwell has claimed earning a D as a moral victory. Caldwell met with The Mugdown earlier this week with the hope of influencing his peers to also be optimistic in times of loss.

“Even though it will affect my GPA, I am happy with how chemistry went. I wasn’t expecting to do well in the first place, but after getting this close, I know that this fall will be completely different. I already know how to study. I just need to do it.”

Caldwell enrolled in CHEM 102 this past summer term at Texas A&M. Living in College Station, he had access to the Evans Library as well as other on-campus study options. Although these were made available to him, Caldwell insisted that he understood the material well enough to review it at home.

Zane Caldwell also mentioned that this recent failure has conditioned him well enough for any other classes he has to take before graduation. As a Biology student , he will have to take Organic Chemistry and Microbiology in addition to taking General Chemistry once more. When asked about enrolling in the class again, Caldwell said, “I know that when I take chemistry again, I am going to pass the class no problem. If I was this close the first time, I got it.”

Despite completing every homework assignment within fifteen minutes of its due date, Caldwell earned a sixty-eight in the class, having missed the passing mark by only two points. “At first I was upset that I underperformed in the class, but after thinking about the bright future that lay ahead, I was excited for my coming semesters as a student,” he said.

Caldwell included that since failing CHEM 102 this summer, he has made no adjustments to his sleep schedule, eating habits, workout routine or note taking methods in the hope of maintaining consistent performance during the fall semester.


—Left on Redass