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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Letter To Freshman: You May Now Avoid High School Acquaintances

By Homewrecking Crew , in Campus Life , at May 3, 2018 Tags: , , , ,

Dear Freshman,

Congratulations! You have now almost finished two full semesters of college, and are becoming an independent adult. There is still one habit, however, that you can quit in order to save you from future public awkwardness. There comes a time in every college student’s career where they can begin to avoid old acquaintances from back home. That time is now.

Take that conversation you had with your old Senior Class President Jared Hernandez, for example. Let’s be honest, you never said a word to him until you ran into him at Sbisa during Howdy (Gig ‘Em) week.

“Oh, my gosh, how have you been?” You said, trying your best to seem interested. Little did you know, he did not want to talk either. He had actually forgotten your name and spent the following five minutes trying to remember.

After playing question Battleship for what seemed like an eternity, you attempted to say goodbye just as he began asking you about what FLO you were going to apply for (because duh, who doesn’t apply for a FLO?). “Uh yeah, see you later,” Jared quickly said,and the embarrassment began to sink in.

You committed yourself to never make that mistake again, but the Aggie Spirit inside you could not be suppressed. Time after time this year, you subjected yourself to awkward encounters with even worse denouements.

Fear not! Your freshman year is coming to a close, and with it comes time to reflect and learn from your experiences.

Treat high school acquaintances in the same manner which you treat those who pass out flyers in the MSC. Look straight ahead, resisting all urges to see if they have noticed you, and you will truly see the light at the end of the awkwardness tunnel. Continue moving at all costs. They may turn to face you or even say your name. Ignore it. Remember, neither party wants to talk to one another— they just have not had the chance to read this letter yet.


—Homewrecking Crew