Environmentalist Club Advertises Event by Needlessly Handing out Fliers
Aggies Supporting Sustainability, a student club focused on saving the environment, advertised for their spring program at Texas A&M on Wednesday. The event features a guest lecturer, Norman Green, who will give a talk entitled “Simple Ways for Organizations to Reduce Waste”.
While manning their posts in the main hall of the MSC, members of Aggies Supporting Sustainability have been extremely successful at getting fliers into the hands of passing students. “Our goal is to get the word out to everyone about this wonderful upcoming event,” said club president Al Moore. “There is no other way to do it. We must get a flier in the hands of every single person that passes.”
A few passers-by have felt violated by the club’s efforts. Some students reported being physically grabbed to make sure they got a flier, while others reported having fliers stuffed into backpacks. “This dude grabbed me and said I needed to go to his event,” said sophomore Reid Johnson. “I said I was busy that night and then the guy flipped me off when I threw the flier away.”
Even after annoying many students attempting to get lunch, Moore decided that the crew needed to double its efforts. “We are trying to save the world. It is not my problem if some people are going to whine about how we do it,” said Moore.
As of now, only three non-club members have RSVP’d to go to to the lecture.
—12th Man Bowels

It’s the middle of the third quarter, and those nachos you ate after tailgating aren’t sitting too well. You can’t stand it, and you make the long trek to the nearest Kyle Field bathroom. You make it in the nick of time…but the water isn’t running! You’ve heard the legend of 12th Man Bowels…but is he real? If he is, will he answer? You call on him, but nothing happens. Just as you begin to despair, as if on cue, water burst through the pipes. Toilets flush, hands may be washed, and you know, even though you can’t see him, 12th Man Bowels is with you…he is always with you.