Gym Rat Tired of Being Body Shamed
Elliot Madison was subjected to a large volume of shame this week as he decided to keep showing off his spring break body. Madison was judged harshly by his fellow students for sporting a cut out t-shirt and short shorts while at the Student Recreation Center.
Outside of working out, Madison still faces harsh judgement for walking around in tight t-shirts and shorts that are several inches above his knees. “I know what I am doing when I wear these shorts,” said Madison, a junior kinesiology major. “People always accuse me off trying to show off my muscles with what I wear. It’s not true though. I am just wearing what is most comfortable for me.”
The rampant judgement and advice to “drop the weights and go for a run” has led to Madison creating a support group for men who want to take a stand against bro shaming. “I may spend two hours a day at the gym, but I am working on getting my PhD in biology,” said Scott Adams, a doctoral candidate. “People try and judge me for the way I look, but I just have a lot of knowledge about why I should care for my body.”
Other students were surprised by the harsh reaction coming from a group of people they believed were not emotionally complex enough to display emotion. “It must be their fragile masculinity causing them to react this poorly to honest criticism,” said Johnny Kumite, a junior philosophy major. “Don’t they understand that it’s 2018, and people don’t need to compare themselves to ancient concepts of fitness?”
Students interested in finding more information about Madison’s support group can find Madison’s booth set up inside the Student Recreation Center. Said Madison, “Anyone able to display proper form while doing a deadlift is welcome.”
– Netflix and Drill

Not like that, you pervert. Like Corps drills. Get your mind out of the gutter. “Why is ‘The Bridge on The River Kwai’ not on Netflix,” he shouts. Netflix & Drill doesn’t just stand for the Aggie football games, he remains standing for the entirety of every single weekend the Aggies play football, sitting down only to sleep.