Pack of Chimpanzees Able to Restrain Themselves on Quiet Floor of Library
In a study released by the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine, three Chimpanzees were brought to the 3rd floor of Evans Library and researchers observed their behavior. The three chimps were all seated at one table, given study materials and a cell phone, then briefed that the floor they occupied was a “quiet floor.”
During the study, the chimps were found to be very considerate of those around them. At one point, the cell phone rang. While the chimps knew that an interesting conversation awaited on the other end, they each decided that is was not the time nor the place to be taking a phone call.
When Milton, one of the chimps, saw a funny meme online, and showed it to his chimp friend Swift, Swift used his body language to acknowledge that the meme was funny. However, the quiet floor was not an appropriate place to be sharing memes.
Kafka, the third chimpanzee, got excited about her weekend plans and wanted to tell Milton and Swift; however, after a few stares from others in the library, Kafka realized that she would disturb the studying environment if she continued.
The study generated surprising results: chimpanzees were able to adhere to social norms expected on the quiet floor of a library, despite being in a group. The researchers involved are confused by the fact that similar studies on humans do not render the same results, but will continue to look into the question.
—12th Man Bowels

It’s the middle of the third quarter, and those nachos you ate after tailgating aren’t sitting too well. You can’t stand it, and you make the long trek to the nearest Kyle Field bathroom. You make it in the nick of time…but the water isn’t running! You’ve heard the legend of 12th Man Bowels…but is he real? If he is, will he answer? You call on him, but nothing happens. Just as you begin to despair, as if on cue, water burst through the pipes. Toilets flush, hands may be washed, and you know, even though you can’t see him, 12th Man Bowels is with you…he is always with you.