Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Report: Construction Science Students Exploited for Free On-Campus Labor

By Koldus & Cream , in Campus Life , at November 7, 2017 Tags: , , ,

It was recently uncovered that Texas A&M officials and professors have been using construction science students for free labor. With high construction costs a concern for this perpetually growing campus, staff of the university attempted to decrease costs by exploiting students.

Many of the students did not realize that they were the subjects of unfair work treatment. “I did think it was weird that my class requirements changed to five labs per semester,” said Reginald Dobsley, a junior construction science student.

This abuse began before the Rec Center was under construction. Since then, students have spent countless hours at work sites for the Commons, the Quad, and the new on-campus hotel. “My professor told me that I was getting hands-on experience and it would help me get an internship, but the twelve hour workdays have really wiped me out,” said Dobsley.

As if the offense was not blatant enough, the construction science department required upper level students to serve their internship within the confines of Texas A&M’s campus. These students are to thank for many of the newest and most desired establishments like the White Creek Apartments. Even freshmen had to survey campus before being allowed to register for classes. After dozens of mysterious injuries to students, local authorities discovered the free labor Texas A&M was exploiting from its own students.

Instead of paying students for their time, their tuition was increased to compensate professors who stayed quiet about the ordeal. The only thing provided to students on site was maroon Kool-Aid.

Texas A&M officials have not responded with a comment on the matter.

—Koldus & Cream