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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Uncovered Myths and Mysteries Behind Transportation Services

By Squatbucks , in Campus Life Transportation Week , at September 26, 2017 Tags: , , , ,

The Mugdown recently conducted an interview with one of Aggieland’s tenured Transportation Services employees, Roger Joe Fillmore. Fillmore joined the TAMU faculty in 1990 and was first in his class at the Segway Rider Institute. I sat down with Fillmore to gain insight into his perspective and experience as a Transportation Services officer.

SQUATBUCKS: What would you say is the biggest misconception TAMU students have regarding Transportation Services?

ROGER JOE FILLMORE: Well, most students think we’re out to get everyone and have no basis behind the parking tickets we distribute. That’s simply not true. We only target students who are running late for exams, cyclists who don’t stop for a full two seconds at stop signs, and cars with sorority decals.

S: Well, is there a way students can avoid getting parking tickets?

RJF: I’d suggest taking the bus.

S: Speaking of the buses, is there a plan to increase incentive for bus drivers? We’ve heard there is a shortage of about 80 employees.

RJF: No, but we do plan to have a new bus route that takes future hotel guests straight from the lobby to the gates of Kyle Field.

S: Interesting. Have you ever given out a parking ticket that you realized was a mistake?

RJF: Actually, yes. Only once, when it was very dark outside. I was out on duty when I noticed a parked truck taking up two lanes on Bizzell Street. Their lights were off, and the thru traffic had no way around them. A line of maybe seven or eight cars had formed behind the truck at this point, so I wrote up a ticket and stuck it on the windshield, making sure to take a picture of the evidence. When I took the picture, the camera light shined on the side of the truck, and I realized it was mine.

S: Did you appeal it?

RJF: [Chuckles] I sure did.

S: And?

RJF: They denied it. They snatched those $30 right out of my paycheck.

S: Join the club! I have another big question: do you think we, as a campus, are lacking parking spaces for handicapped individuals?

RJF: Ah, I’m glad you asked this question. We try our best to make sure that the handicap spaces are only occupied by vehicles with a handicap permit.

S: But do you think there are actually enough handicap parking spaces?

RJF: No, actually, I don’t. I hate to admit that, but we seem to have an infrastructure problem.

S: Yeah, that’s what it seems like. Is there a solution?

RJF: I’d suggest taking the bus.

S: Is there anything else you’d like TAMU students to know about Transportation Services?

RJF: Well, there is something I’d like to share. It’s a new project we’ve been working on. I’m honored to announce that we will be using the autonomous driving vehicles to distribute parking tickets. On foot or segway, it’s impossible for us to catch all the violators, so the new AIs will help to pick up the slack and make justice more efficient.

We would like to thank Mr. Fillmore for taking time to meet with us and discuss the myths and mysteries behind Transportation Services.
