12th Man Productions Relieved to Finally Have Footage for Hype Videos
Saturday’s win against UL Lafayette not only brought joy to Aggie fans, but also relief for the video editors at 12th Man Productions. “It’s been a stressful job for us this season since my position is centered on making the Aggies look good via hype videos,” said Jonah Redding, a student editor. “We tried using some UCLA clips, but that blue and gold just kills the mood. We’re grateful to have this new footage to pick from.”
Recent weeks have been depressing for the editing team, as rumors of downsizing spread around the office. One student worker even thought she heard a fan yell “fire someone” during the Nicholls State game, thinking the fan must have been talking about the people who create the videos. “It’s not even our fault,” the student worker reportedly yelled back.
To combat the lack of footage, the creative team was forced to find ways to build hype in more innovative ways. Techniques included an excessive amount of shots of fans at football games, videos of players warming up, and when needed, clips of former Aggies or the handful of highlights from the first two games. When using video from the UCLA game, however, the team used a black-and-white edit in post-production to prevent fans from realizing what game the clips were from.
“We do what we can to stay alive,” said Nina Freeman, senior supervisor for 12th Man Productions. “If we can’t make hype videos, then there are plenty of other things that get fans going, like whenever cameras catch someone on 3rd deck swinging a 12 foot chain of towels, or zooming in on cute 2-year-olds in maroon. As for now, we’ll bank on the highlights from the UL Lafayette game to carry the Aggie Spirit through the rest of the season.”
—12th Man Bowels

It’s the middle of the third quarter, and those nachos you ate after tailgating aren’t sitting too well. You can’t stand it, and you make the long trek to the nearest Kyle Field bathroom. You make it in the nick of time…but the water isn’t running! You’ve heard the legend of 12th Man Bowels…but is he real? If he is, will he answer? You call on him, but nothing happens. Just as you begin to despair, as if on cue, water burst through the pipes. Toilets flush, hands may be washed, and you know, even though you can’t see him, 12th Man Bowels is with you…he is always with you.