Reveille Fights Societal Pressure to Settle Down
Though only in her second year as the official mascot of Texas A&M, Reveille IX has already started making plans for after college. While many former Reveilles have gone on to live in quiet retirement, this year’s Rev is looking at opportunities to do something different.
“I’ve learned so much during my time at A&M, and I would hate for all my education go to waste. I can’t bring myself to simply settle down with the first hound that impresses me. I want to do something with my life,” said Reveille.
Most Reveilles have a seven year reign before settling down by the side of a German Shepard, or other working dog. “I really just want to take time off after I graduate and see what’s out there. I watched Balto recently and it really inspired me to consider training for the Iditarod in my spare time,” said the Cadet General and highest ranking member of the Corps.
Sophomore Gavin Suel, this year’s mascot handler, was shocked to hear of Rev’s plans after college. “I don’t understand why she feels the need to continue working. She would be better off having puppies who could serve as the next generation of Reveilles,” Suel said. “Everything is done for her here— I think she doesn’t understand what the real world is like out there.”
Other students agreed with Suel, noting that the only sensible thing for a female dog to do is have puppies and raise them. It seems to be popular sentiment that Reveille’s size and stature really prevent her from having a job after graduation, unlike a male dog. If Reveille was a boy, then she could realistically dream of having a career in the military or as a police dog.
According to her LinkedIn profile, Reveille has begun research into the job requirements of service and therapy dogs. She is hoping that her current position will not allow for unfair hiring practices.
“I think I’m going to apply under a fake name, maybe a boy dog’s name, like Max or Buddy,” said the First Lady of Aggieland . “Or maybe even my real name… After all, my name isn’t Reveille, you know.”
—Lil Event

Don’t underestimate her size! She will make sure her service project gets done before noon. Just don’t count on her showing up at Kyle Field when the bigger event starts. Sure her project is rescuing puppies from Puppy Station, but someone has got to do it! She may be the littlest member of the staff but she has the biggest heart. If she isn’t busy working on her next article or advocating for Reveille’s rights, than you will most likely find her taking a nap.