Saturday, February 22, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Passive Aggressive Chalk War in the Wellborn Tunnel Heats Up

By Mugdown Staff , in Campus Life , at April 28, 2016 Tags: , , , ,

As the presidential election approaches, students on campus have sprung into full-on activist mode. Briefly glancing at the trending tweets about each candidate, many Aggies have chosen who they will lend their support to, standing by their newfound beliefs until the bitter end. Confident that their commentary is vital to influencing public opinion, these students have spearheaded political dialogue at Texas A&M. The conveniently chalk-able expanse of empty walls in the Wellborn Tunnel have been deemed the battleground for this political heavyweight-bout, turning the tunnel into a colorful combat zone of chalked passive-aggressive insults. Slogans such as “Make America Great Again,” and “I Stand With Her,” cover the walls, a spectacle of mild interest to the various passerby.

“Bernie Sanders is the savior of this country,” said senior Philosophy major Evan Wallright, as he put the finishing touches on his ‘#feelthebern’ chalk-sterpiece. “His policies are exactly what America needs right now, and I think each student walking between the MSC and West Campus Garage needs to know this.” When asked specifically what policies he agreed with, Wallright went into a jumbled tirade detailing Sanders’ Civil Rights activism and tidbits about Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson.

Jon Manfell, a freshman Business major and supporter of Donald Trump, is equally as  adamant about converting passersby with a scribble of chalk. “I think the chalk on the wall is important, and I’m not afraid to let everyone know that I’m a Trump supporter. After all, Trump always talks about walls in his speeches, so I’m sure he would love the work we are doing out here.”

Whether or not you agree with the opinions of your peers—or even halfway care what they think at all— everybody’s voice can be heard (or seen) on the walls of the Wellborn tunnel. Even if you would just like to let everyone know that it is “Be Awesome April,” you can find your spot on the wall between the caricature of Hillary Clinton and the “Make America Great Again” with several lines drawn through it.


This post was written by one of our new Dirty, Filthy Pledges who doesn’t yet have a name.  He’ll earn it someday.