Saturday, February 1, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

University to STEM the Flow of Gender Inequality

By 5K for Yell , in Science , at February 18, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Since the Industrial Revolution, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (otherwise known as “STEM”) have been fields almost exclusively dominated by men. Unfortunately, there has been a recent push to insert women into STEM environments. Not wanting to be outdone, “FACE” majors have now been targeted as needing a more masculine direction.

Fine Arts, Communication, and Education (to be henceforth known as “FACE”) is counteracting STEMinisim by aggressively recruiting males into fields where they were formerly underrepresented. To boost testosterone levels in FACE, male High Schoolers are now being recruited using strategic initiatives and advertisements.

As the ultimate "man in your face", Kanye West was a natural selection to encourage young men to join the FACE industry.
As the ultimate “man in your face”, Kanye West was a natural selection to encourage young men to join the FACE industry.

Bill Theriot, a Chemical Engineering Professor, says that he worries that affirmative action is having negative effects.

“There is a reason that men drive the hard skill industries. At Texas A&M especially, we need to be very careful. If we plan to have 25,000 engineers by the year 2025, we have to account for all of the women who will be lured in by affirmative action plans and then drop due to the difficult course load.”

Many others have shared in Theriot’s concern. The theory is that women will be recruited to the University’s STEM fields in abundance, starting out as Engineers, Scientists, and Mathematicians, but inevitably transferring to FACE fields.  Ralph Hoegg, University Recruiter, says that he is unsure of the results of this initiative.

“We’ve crunched the numbers, realized the trends, and decided to take some action,” said Hoegg. “If I’m being completely honest, we all know that men should stay in STEM and women should stay in FACE. But we have to take proactive measures to ensure diversity and gender equality…No matter how pointless it may be.”

The “Men in FACE” initiative is scheduled to begin next fall. Although initially met with concern, experts are fairly positive that  putting men in FACE won’t be nearly as meaningless as putting women in STEM. We all know deep down that women are really only meant for one thing: FACE.

"I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn't matter, but the way her face looks obviously matters." - Donald Trump

-5K for Yell