Study Abroad at Sugarloaf Mountain
Texas A&M University is offering an exciting new study abroad program located at and around Sugarloaf Mountain. The program will be 14 weeks long and will provide students with the opportunity to earn course credit while immersing themselves in a unique culture. Garth Yannick, a sophomore Biology Major, is thrilled at the opportunity to do something so adventurous and challenging.
“I’ve seen so many pictures of my friends at this really beautiful and scenic spot; it looks like such a beautiful part of the world,” Yannick said. “I knew that someday I would have to travel there and experience it for myself.”
Sugarloaf’s exotic culture and rugged terrain can seem quite daunting, but Bethany Mathel, Study Abroad director, says that the program is possible for every single student at Texas A&M.
“The 500 ft. mountain is rich with natural and historic artifacts. Just last week, one of my students found a fossilized flannel, a coffee cup, and a Breakaway backpack tag. We were able to date them to a couple days prior, when a Bible study came to have coffee at sunrise. Truly fascinating that people do that.”
The program will have a record low cost, allowing many students to experience the wonder of this incredible feat of natural creation. The suggested packing list is included here, for the convenience of our readers:
A 70 liter external Backpack
3 gallons of water per person per day
Made-ready meals
A camera with a minimum 1 terabyte of memory for all of the pictures that will be taken
A gopro for those adventurous wide angle photos
A backup camera because Sugarloaf photographs EXTREMELY well (extra credit awarded if it is a polaroid)
A zero degree sleeping back for the altitude change
A machete
A siphon coffee maker

Yes, you have met her, and yes, she knows your friend so and so from that thing that one time. She has handed you fliers, she has yelled at you from her banner holding post, your friend introduced her to you that one time in the MSC, you are friends on Facebook, and she is in at least two of your GroupMe’s. You hate her for always looking like she just worked out, but in reality she just has to be constantly maintaining a comfortable jog to get to her next meeting on time. We have never actually seen her in person, but sometimes she emails us good jokes, so we let her stay affiliated.