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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

The 8 Classes You Literally HAVE to Take

By War Hymnal , in Clickbait , at December 10, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

POLS 207 – State and Local GovernmentPols

Dr Pepper, Whataburger, and Local Government. That was a list of things that should be important to every Texan, especially those who need three more credit hours to meet their Government/Political science requirement.

ANTH 201 – Introduction to AnthropologyAnth

The study of people? Talk about #deep. This class will take you on a journey around the world, as well as fulfill your Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement AND it counts as an ICD. Cha-ching!

MATH 141 – Business Mathematics Imath

Boooo Hisssss! We know, we hate math too! Unfortunately, you have to take two math classes to graduate. Ugh! Better sit next to someone smart-looking.

HIST 105 – History of the United Stateshist

You took U.S. History in grade school and again in high school. Your college experience won’t be complete without it! Meaning you won’t graduate if you don’t take this class.

KINE 199 – Beginner YogaMeditation on yoga class

Better take it just to see what all the fuss is about. And to make sure you have fulfilled your required physical activity requirement.

ASTR 101 – Basic Astronomyast

Despite its name, there’s nothing basic about this class! The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has approved this Life and Physical Sciences class for your University Core Curriculum. Out of this world!

ECON 203 – Intro to Macroeconomics

Lieutenant Col. Robert Glover, director of the Al Qaim regional Civil-Military Operations Center, counts out the money in a condolence payment to an Iraqi citizen whose home was damaged in a mortar attack. The CMOC is a function of 6th Civil Affairs Group in Husaybah, Iraq.

This class is all about interest, can it keep yours? Learn how to make some money while having a little fun! Also you get the amazing opportunity to spend money, because this course is required for a balanced undergraduate degree.

ENGL 104 – Composition and Rhetoric6370262361_65b2eb3db3_o

If you didn’t test out of this course, we highly recommend it, and so does the university! The composition of your degree plan better include this vital class.


-War Hymnal