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Evans Offers Students Rent-A-Mom for Finals Week

By A Midsummers Night Yell , in Campus Life Popular , at December 2, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Aggie Moms Club and Evans Library have teamed up to offer a new service to stressed out students during finals. While puppy-petting and free massages have been offered in past semesters, Evans will now begin offering a “Rent-A-Mom” service. This new service will give students the chance to “rent” a member of the Aggie Moms club for a designated amount of time.

The library staff said they hope this new program will allow students to better prepare for finals by providing a comforting maternal figure to help them stay on task, as well as combat stress. Services offered by the Aggie Moms include cooking a meal with at least one non-microwaved food item, completing unpleasant household chores, and buying groceries. It is being marketed as “all the benefits of having a mother with none of the nagging questions.”

Some students are already excitedly planning their time with their Aggie Mom. Junior Engineering major, Tom Wiess, said he intends on having his Aggie Mom tuck him into bed. “I’ve already picked out a book for her to read to me before I go sleep: Mechanics of Materials.”

Most students are prepared to take advantage of the opportunity to have a temporary parental figure around while others are more skeptical. “I mean, I’m sure they’re all fine but I don’t want one that’s going to lecture me about the dangers of only taking febreze showers during finals week,” said Taylor Lawsend, Sophomore Finance major. “I mean, will I get a refund if I end up with a dysfunctional temporary mother?”

The program was originally suggested by Evans Library after numerous run-ins with distraught students.

“I was doing my rounds when I heard whimpering coming from one of the study rooms. I looked inside and was surprised to see a senior huddled in the corner, asking for his ‘mama’,” said Janina Siebert, Library Specialist.

It is the Library’s goal to prevent more incidents like this and to remind students that it’s okay to need your mom or dad every now and then. The program will begin Wednesday December 2, with requests forms at the Evans AskUs Desk.


-A Midsummer Night’s Yell