Mugdown Lowdown: How to Spend $4 Billion
Mugdown Lowdown: How to Spend $4 Billion
Last week, President Young announced a new plan to raise $4 billion over the next five years for world-changing projects. After the university spent the first million dollars on a large card stunt at Kyle Field, they reached out to The Mugdown for new ideas. To help the administration find ways to spend all that cash, we put $4 billion into perspective.
*Not to scale. This is a satirical organization, not a statistics company people.*
-Marco OVO Queso Polo and Commons Lobbyist

Everyone’s favorite person to talk to on their break at work: the guy obsessed with politics. You’ve been working for five hours now and nothing is more sacred to you than this all too short half hour to relax, but guess who’s waiting in the break room for someone to talk to. Again. Sure, try and quote that headline you read two or three months ago. It doesn’t matter, the Commons Lobbyist knows he’s better informed than you. He could smell it on you as soon as you rounded that corner.