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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

The Haunting of Cain Hall

By Corpus Escort , in Special Occasion , at October 30, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

An official statement by the University cites both  the overcrowded Student Services office and unmet game day needs as reasons for the demolition of Cain Hall. The President’s office shared that a parking garage, hotel, skywalk to Kyle Field, and new spaces for Student Services will form the new Cain Hall Complex. The rapid closure of Cain caught many Aggies off-guard, and many feel that the closure should more appropriately be deemed an evacuation.

Employees that once occupied Cain point to the spotty wi-fi as the first sign that something was amiss, as TAMUlink-WPA is usually incredibly consistent and strong. Soon, the employees noticed dead zones in which communication with the outside was impossible. Students attending counselling complained of hallways so cold they could see their breath. These were the only warning signs before the hauntings began. After spending some time in the building, its occupants began to hear eerie moans and see ghostly apparitions.

“Cain’s proximity to Reveille’s graves after their relocation for the Kyle Field renovation make it obvious who is responsible,” said former handler Ryan Kreider. “You can’t upset the dead like that.” Other students believe it is the long deceased Spirit of Old Army. Many Student Services counselors say it is the ghosts of students who have been banished from the university.

Before resolving to demolish the building, interim president Mark A. Hussey tried everything he could to save the area. He called in Fr. David Konderla, the priest of the local Catholic church, St. Mary’s, to bless the building. Yell Leaders led their most secretive and scariest yells, including “Finals Week” and “MGMT 211,” in order to frighten away the spirits. Even Parson’s Mounted Cavalry came to fire salt rounds within the building to dissipate the ghosts, to no avail.

Despite a strong stance against hazing, the administration made an extreme exception, calling upon a fraternity to send forth its most daring members. Four pledges dressed as Ghostbusters entered the building to exorcise its inhabitants.

Garrett Matthewson, a pledge in Kappa Alpha Order, said, “It was the most horrifying experience of my life. I thought it was going to be as harmless as all the other hazing, but no. I’m going to have to go all the way to White Creek to talk about what I witnessed in there.”

In an attempt to twist a negative into a positive, the university considered turning Cain Hall into the “Haunted 12thMansion,” since buildings only used during certain seasons each year seem to be the most profitable. Instead, administrators determined that the more logical route would be an expensive overhaul to enhance the school’s most important Student Service: Game Day.
– Corpus Escort and Netflix & Drill