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Organization Sees Spike in Participation When Calling App Process “Rush”

By Panda Expressions , in Campus Life Greek Life , at October 9, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

REBECCAS, an up and coming women’s organization with the unique goal of incorporating sisterhood, service, and philanthropy into a myriad of socials and theme parties, has made some recent changes to increase applicants, and therefore diversity (of costume ideas for mixers). Though the organization accepts all applicants who are female full-time students, the application process is now being called a “rush” for promotional purposes.

“We feel that calling it ‘rush’ makes the process seem more urgent and exclusive. Some more changes in our near future are hosting a 5k, a formal, and introducing a big-little program. Our main goal in all of these changes is to intensify our focus on sisterhood, and to bring more attention to our philanthropy,” said REBECCAS President Ryllie Belle.

This turned out to be a good call by Belle and her fellow REBECCAS, as they have seen a 30% increase in pledges since the change. “REBECCAS is everything I ever wanted in a sisterhood. We all love each other so much and have so much in common, that we are applying for funding to get a house that we can all live in together. It will be the first of its kind, and we are planning to call it our HORE House- Housing for Official Recreational Events, where we will both live and have all of our parties,” Vice President Callie “Sweetheart” Maggie said.

As the organization continues to expand in membership and campus influence, there are also rumors that they will be adding “-fest” to the name of every single one of their events to prove how truly fun and festival-like their 5Ks and dinner parties are. First up for the change is “Formalfest.”

When asked for any final comments on the evolution of this budding organization, Belle and Maggie both agreed that “It’s all for the glory of God, because John 3:16.”


-Panda Expressions