The Mugdown’s Guide to the 2015 Elections
The Mugdown’s “I Am Gig the Vote (And So Can You!)”
A One Stop Guide to the SBP Elections
This is the best time of the year to be in The Mugdown. It’s basically our Christmas. Many of you may be tired of having people yell at you and run around wearing matching shirts, but not us. We get a weird sort of high from it. Well…from that and the adderall we’ve been taking to crank out these election articles.
However, we know not everyone loves elections and could care less who represents our school as yell leader or student body president. We won’t even get you started on Student Senate. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive voting guide for you. Now, if you want to stay off campus to avoid the incoming election hysteria, you can, AND you will still be able to be an informed voter.
Without further ado, here is way more information than you ever wanted about a bunch of people you will probably never meet.
Now, do we just expect you to take our advice blindly and vote for who we tell you? Yes. Vote here: Feel free to write in “The Mugdown”
Honey Bear and The Mugdown staff

Is the name ironic? Maybe. Maybe not. Honestly, he’s been called that for longer than anyone has known him. He’s a sociopath and we don’t like talking with him very much. So when the man says he’s called Honey Bear, we make damn sure to call him Honey Bear. He gets his articles turned in on time though, so we keep him around.