Mugdown Asks: Should The Academic Building be Renamed after Rick Perry?
It was announced earlier today that Texas A&M University is considering renaming campus’s iconic Academic Building after Texas Governor and former Yell Leader, Rick Perry. Current and former students alike have voiced a wide variety of opinions on the matter since the news broke earlier today. In order to help the Board of Regents come to a decision that accurately reflects the diverse beliefs of Texas A&M University, The Mugdown asks you to lend your voice by choosing one of the many diverse opinions we heard across campus today that accurately reflects your personal stance on the decision.
[polldaddy poll=8529525]
We thank you for your time,
Honey Bear and The Mugdown Staff

Is the name ironic? Maybe. Maybe not. Honestly, he’s been called that for longer than anyone has known him. He’s a sociopath and we don’t like talking with him very much. So when the man says he’s called Honey Bear, we make damn sure to call him Honey Bear. He gets his articles turned in on time though, so we keep him around.