18 Buildings on Campus That We Literally Can’t Even
- Heldenfels Hall
Too many stairs. I literally can’t even.

- Rudder Tower
So tall! I didn’t know we could have buildings over four stories! I literally can’t even!

- Memorial Student Center
Never. Any. Seats. Nah, it’s cool. I don’t mind eating my Panda on the floor like an animal. Literally. Can’t. Even.

- Kyle Field
Like, be finished already. Like I can even literally not!http://i.minus.com/iNp4L31KdLpBA.gif
- Wehner Building
I feel underdressed in my sweatpants, and that’s, like, not okay. Literally can’t words no speakin even not the feels.http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8gbmfFARW1r0z3y7o1_500.gif
- Academic Building
Such a big dome and pretty seal. Academic Building proves every day it is the prettiest building on campus. #Flawless I literally can’t odd.tumblr.com
- (PEAP) Physical Education Activity Program Building
Ugh, so far away. I can’t walk there because I don’t want to work out before I work out. Like who can even that?http://www.gifs8.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/you-are-so-lazy.gif
- Biochemistry Building (AgCafe)
My wifi is such a tease. If it were an even, it can’t!http://cdn4.gurl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/GIF.gif
- Blocker Building
Did you know it’s more than two stories? And people actually use floors besides the first and second??
Mind = Blown. Literally even = Can’t.http://giphy.com/gifs/reactiongifs-sO5derwxGq1Z6
- Zachry Engineering Center
How can you tell if someone’s an engineering major? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. They’ll tell you they can’t even.http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2014-07/24/10/enhanced/webdr05/anigif_enhanced-buzz-12945-1406210724-4.gif http://i.imgur.com/3Gi4MG6.gif
- Chemistry Building
The H2O fountain out front is shaped like an H2O molecule. H2Ohhhhh. H2Can’t evennn.http://i.imgur.com/2TtN4bv.gif
- Commons
Freshmen inside. Enter at own risk. L1t3r@lly c@n+ 3v3n.http://giphy.com/gifs/reactiongifs-year-freshman-XjwIK6R7N85rO
- West Campus Library
Much crowd. Many packed. So even. Literally can’t.http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m325a9qWoW1rosecn.gif
- Evans Library
Wouldn’t be too bad if I didn’t have to study in fear of the Fourth Floor Flasher. That’s a can’t I don’t want to even.http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/fingering.gif
- (HECC) Harrington Education Center Classroom Building
I’m pretty sure this is the building for classes that weren’t important enough to fit in their own college’s buildings. Who even could cannot literally?http://giphy.com/gifs/cat-ODGaKDyHFmqxq
- Koldus Building
SGA, literally as effective as my even can!sponsored by The Machine. Enjoy Responsibly.
- Reed Arena
-Jennifer Martenhttp://s.likes-media.com/img/6b00bfec9e752da352e95c36ee8826a4
- Sbisa Dining Hall
Sbisa. Obese-uh. Sgrease-uh. Shaniqua. #CantEvenUhhttp://cdn.iwastesomuchtime.com/5192013032518Xl8pjnl.gif
-Honey Bear
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Is the name ironic? Maybe. Maybe not. Honestly, he’s been called that for longer than anyone has known him. He’s a sociopath and we don’t like talking with him very much. So when the man says he’s called Honey Bear, we make damn sure to call him Honey Bear. He gets his articles turned in on time though, so we keep him around.