After the recent arrest of Ricky Seals-Jones for what the CSPD are calling disorderly conduct (language), it seemed only appropriate that Sumlin’s message to the team be short, sweet, and lacking expletives.
He simply lowered his sunglasses and told the players in a steady voice that, when they are around the police, they need to “shut the hell up.”
Seals-Jones intends to fight the charges according to his lawyer, but that would be just another item in the long list of things he has tried to fight. According to recent reports, Seals-Jones was bumped by another individual on Northgate early Sunday morning.
The arresting officer said “[Seals-Jones] broke away from his friends [and] yelled ‘F*** you! You want some?’ then threw his hands downward to his sides with his palms facing the other person in a common gesture when one is trying to initiate a fight. We believe it’s a territorial display to make oneself look bigger, a technique commonly used when the males are trying to pick a fight.”
It’s rather unfortunate that the one player who most needed to hear the message from Sumlin was notably absent. Seals-Jones was not the first to be arrested for being too loud — sophomore Darian Claiborne was arrested in late February for a noise violation.
“Texas A&M is trying to build their brand in the SEC” said Jason Cook, Senior Associate Athletics Director for External Affairs. “We are in a division with LSU and Bama. I haven’t checked the Baton Rouge police blotter this morning, but last I checked we are still holding our own in this power conference.”
It is clear that Sumlin does not intend to stop his players from being arrested. The Seals-Jones arrest is the fourth of an offseason filled with legal issues. At this rate, If you put all our arrested players in jail you could film a Longest Yard sequel.
Sumlin stressed that what matters to him is the reason why one is arrested. “Johnny punched a homeless man and Kenny Hill got plastered and fell asleep in a planter on Northgate” said Sumlin “For our players to be arrested for using inappropriate language is f———ing ridiculous.”
-Cactus Jack

Like Bellamy, we knew immediately that we wanted Cactus Jack on our team. It probably has to do with the fact that when we first met him, he was trying to figure out what it would feel like to lick a cactus. He’s sort of like the abandoned dog you come across on the side of the highway. He may be ugly, but we pulled over to watch and now we feel at least partially responsible for him.