The Mugdown is Now Accepting Applications
Howdy Ags,
We have grown a lot over the last two months. We are very proud of how far we have come, and now, it is time for the next big step. We are looking to expand our team.
We have had a ton of interest since we have started. If you are one of those wondering how you can be a part of this, now is your chance. We are looking for new writers and graphic designers. If you have experience with photoshop, are handy with a pen, or feel that you have something to contribute to The Mugdown, we would like to invite you to fill out this application and e-mail it to
We will be accepting applications for an entire week starting today, 3/24/2014 at 8:00 AM until 3/31/2014 at 11:59 PM. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by e-mail.
P.S. Remember, our members are anonymous, so it is a requirement that you don’t let others know you are applying.
UPDATE: Applications are currently closed for The Mugdown. We appreciate the many fantastic applications we received. If you’re still looking to join The Mugdown, we will be expanding again at the beginning of the Fall semester. For updates on what we’re up to and to see when we begin accepting applications again follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!
Also, check out our new writers from the last round of applications:
Riffety Raff
Beutel Call
Samurai Sully
Commons Lobbyist
Lonely Lighter